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SSL Guidelines for Virtual/Remote SSL Opportunities

为了满足学生的服务学习需求,并提供一系列SSL机会, 学生可以获得学生服务学习(SSL)小时,在经批准的非营利组织或MCPS学校工作人员的赞助下,在家完成虚拟/远程服务. 学生可以按照下面概述的虚拟/远程SSL机会的MCPS SSL指南参与特定的虚拟/远程MCPS SSL机会.

学校主办的虚拟/远程MCPS SSL机会将由学校工作人员与参与的学生沟通. Nonprofit-hosted virtual/remote MCPS SSL opportunities will be posted on the Montgomery County Volunteer Center and tagged with the blue MCPS SSL banner and graduation cap. graduation cap 学生也可以继续获得传统的面对面MCPS SSL机会,由非营利组织或MCPS学校工作人员在非营利组织代表或MCPS学校工作人员的直接监督下在公共场所提供.

学生参加任何MCPS SSL机会是由学生的家长/监护人决定的. 非营利组织或MCPS学校的工作人员负责维护学生的安全和隐私. 非营利组织或MCPS学校工作人员将根据学生提交的证据确定授予的SSL小时数. 家长/监护人应直接与非营利主管或MCPS学校工作人员联系,询问有关特定MCPS SSL机会的任何问题和/或担忧.

Learn more in this presentation detailing the state of Maryland and MCPS requirements for SSL, how students can earn SSL hours, and an overview of the MCPS SSL program and its resources.

MCPS SSL Guidelines for Virtual/Remote SSL Opportunities

请仔细审查MCPS SSL指南,以确保任何虚拟/远程服务维护学生的安全和隐私,并遵守SSL作为州毕业要求所需的适当监督和监控.

在非营利代表或MCPS学校工作人员的赞助下,学生可以赚取虚拟/远程MCPS SSL机会的SSL小时数,遵守以下准则:

  • Students must be made aware of the need that will be addressed by the service, overall expectations, and safety information.
  • Students must address a specific community need or issue through direct, indirect, or advocacy service
  • Students must receive explicit instruction in service-learning; engage in the SSL phases of Preparation, Action, and Reflection; and meet the Maryland Seven Best Practices of Student Service Learning
  • In place of direct supervision of service, 非营利组织代表或MCPS学校工作人员必须根据执行的服务证据确定合理的等效SSL小时数(X项数= X小时数), such as 20 lunches or hot meals = 3 hours), to be approved by the MCPS Office of Student Service Learning. This equivalency must be clearly communicated to students and families.
  • 非营利性代表或MCPS学校工作人员(不是家长/监护人或学生的亲属)必须审查提交的证据, maintain a log, 并在MCPS表格560-51上验证学生服务:学生服务学习活动验证.
  • 为了MCPS学生的安全,任何时候都必须维护学生的隐私和机密性.
    • 家长/监护人提供学生参与非营利组织虚拟平台的书面批准,家长/监护人承认并理解他们承担作为相关虚拟活动一部分进行的所有风险和危害.
    • 非营利组织对学生参与任何虚拟平台承担全部责任和任何责任. MCPS不承担学生参与任何虚拟平台与非营利组织的远程SSL机会的责任或义务.
    • 学生使用个人/私人账户(不是MCPS学生账户)参与非营利组织的虚拟平台.
    • In nonprofit organization-hosted virtual platforms, students may ONLY engage with others under the supervision of a nonprofit supervisor. The nonprofit supervisor will initiate and host all virtual sessions. If the nonprofit supervisor is not available to initiate and host the virtual session, the session will not occur. Virtual sessions will not be recorded.
    • Nonprofit organizations may engage students in virtual platforms, provided that:
    • In MCPS-hosted virtual platforms, 学生只能在MCPS学校工作人员的监督下与其他学生交流.e. 学生不能领导虚拟分组讨论室或与学生主持他们自己的虚拟会议。. The MCPS school staff member will initiate and host all virtual sessions. 如果MCPS学校工作人员无法启动和主持虚拟会话, the session will not occur. Virtual sessions will not be recorded.
    • 学生只能与服务活动的非营利性主管进行电子邮件或电话交谈, not with anyone outside of the organization.
    • Students may NOT share or upload any videos, pictures, or images of themselves, 除非非营利组织已经获得学生家长/监护人签署的表格或弃权书授权许可/释放.
    • Students’ personal information, including their names and email/home address, must be protected and not shared. 非营利组织不会与任何其他第三方分享从参与者收集的任何信息.

Students may NOT earn SSL hours for the following activities:

  • 未经批准的非营利组织或MCPS学校工作人员赞助的服务.
  • 通过电话与服务接收者进行直接交互的服务, emails, or virtual communication of any kind, 除非该服务是由非营利主管或MCPS学校工作人员在上述虚拟平台上托管的.
  • Service supervised solely by a parent/guardian or relative.
  • Service supervised solely by an individual younger than 18 years of age.
  • Service resulting in money, goods, services, or other compensation.
  • 在没有非营利组织代表或MCPS学校工作人员直接监督的情况下,在公共场所举办募捐活动或筹款的服务.
  • Service that involves fostering an animal.
  • Service that involves delivering or transporting items in a vehicle.
  • 只涉及捐款或购买/收集物品而不涉及手工制作的服务.


All SSL forms for service completed from the summer of 2019, 2019-2020 school year, and summer of 2020 should be emailed to the school’s SSL coordinator.

If you have any questions about these guidelines or the MCPS SSL program, please contact your school’s SSL coordinator or the SSL Dropbox at